الاثنين، 29 يوليو 2013

☆شماغ وتنورة☆ *UZBEKISTAN*_* 6

إن عشت ياراسي كسيتك عمامه...أناهيك...وإن مت ياراسي فدتك العمايم

عندما أموت ..... لا أريد سوا أن تـدفنوني في وطني سـوريا .... وأن تكتبو على شاهدة قبري : لم أعد مغترباً

Region: Central Asia
Area Total: 447,400km2
Coast Line:
Doubly landlocked country
Capital: Tashkent
Teabowls. Ceramics in Uzbekistan have a long tradition
Pottery maker
Soviet Era buildings
Stories of Scheherazade's One Thousand and One Nights
The council of the wise old men
A precious commodity on the edge of the desert in Khiva in Uzbekistan.
Also children  transport  water in various vessels from the wells outside the town to their homes.
In many cities of the country cleaning the streets is in the hands of women.

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