الجمعة، 28 يونيو 2013

☆شماغ وتنورة☆ Take the cue


Take the cue
What you see, what you think, what you feel, has a reason.
what you happen upon, seemingly by blind chance, has a
In all that you experience is the voice of your most
authentic self, carrying an important, appropriate and
timely message. Listen, and seek to lovingly understand
what the experience of each moment is saying.
All the wisdom you've collected is speaking to you. all the
possibilities that spread out in front of you, are calling
to you.
It is not by coincidence that you are where you are. a whole
set of thoughts, intentions and experiences brought you
All that you have learned and all that you have been through
Culminate in this place now. It is a rich and entirely
meaningful opportunity that greets you and calls you to move
Take the cue, feel the message of this moment, and go with
It. In this time and this place, this life is yours with
which to do great things.

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