إن عشت ياراسي كسيتك عمامه...أناهيك...وإن مت ياراسي فدتك العمايم
عندما أموت ..... لا أريد سوا أن تـدفنوني في وطني سـوريا .... وأن تكتبو على شاهدة قبري : لم أعد مغترباً
Region: North America
Area Total: 9,826,675km2
Coast Line: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Capital: Washington DC
Area Total: 9,826,675km2
Coast Line: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Capital: Washington DC
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
San Miguel Chapel in Santa Fe is said to be the oldest standing church structure in the US. The adobe walls were constructed around A.D. 1610.
Old house, Santa Fe
Palace of the Governors Santa Fe
Museum in Santa Fe
National Forest
Maha Bodhi Society of Santa Fe
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial State Park (formerly the Vietnam Veterans National Memorial).Colfax county.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Built in 1792, the San Felipe Neri Church is in Albuqureque
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