الأحد، 12 مايو 2013

☆شماغ وتنورة☆ فوانيس

إن عشت ياراسي كسيتك عمامه...أناهيك...وإن مت ياراسي فدتك العمايم

عندما أموت ..... لا أريد سوا أن تـدفنوني في وطني سـوريا .... وأن تكتبو على شاهدة قبري : لم أعد مغترباً 


Procession: South Korean Buddhists carry coloured lanterns as they make their way down a Seoul Street to celebrate Buddha's birthday

Happy birthday: Buddha was born approximately 2,557 years ago, and although the exact date is unknown. His birthday is traditionally celebrated on the full moon in May
South Korean Buddhists walk under colourful lanterns as they celebrate the forthcoming birthday of Buddha at Chogey temple on May 11, 2013 in Seoul
Before she fell pregnant Buddha's mother was said to have had a dream that a white elephant walked around her four times before vanishing into her right side 
Cheerful chap:A giant Buddh a lantern makes its way down a Seoul street during the birthday celebrations


Twilight procession: Thousands of South Koreans turned out foe the celebrations


A lantern depicting a boy riding a cow is carried down a Seoul street as part of the Buddha birthday celebrations


Dozens of brightly-lit butterfly lanterns create a dazzling spectacle in the South Korean capital

In Korea the birthday of Buddha is called Seokga tansinil meaning 'Buddha's birthday' or Bucheonim osin nal, which means 'the day when the Buddha came'
Legend: A float depicts the tree under which Buddha was believed to have been born around 25 centuries ago
South Korean Buddhists walk under colourful lanterns as they celebrate the forthcoming birthday of Buddha at Chogey temple in Seoul
Across Asia, Buddha¿s Birthday is celebrated with colourful parades and processions with flowers and floats of white elephants


A brightly lit float depicting an adult Buddha makes its way down a Seoul street  
The lighting of a lotus-shaped lantern in Buddhism traditionally symbolizes a display of religious devotion to perform good deeds and lighting up the dark parts of the world

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